I happen to be a BIG fan of spray tans.
There's something so exhilarating about being extra tan for a little bit, even if it's for a week in the middle of winter when everyone around you is as pale as a ghost. Plus, spray tans can be a total confidence booster. Anyway, as far as spray tans go, they are (almost always) an all-around positive experience, with a little dramatic excitement here and there.
If you've gotten one before, you know exactly what I'm talking about. The process of actually getting the tan can be characterized by thoughts and feelings of confusion, a little discomfort, and most of all, excitement!
1. "I'm going to look like I just rolled out of bed with this chic loose-fitting look."
As every experienced tanner knows, it's so much easier to wear baggy clothes to a spray tan. You can't risk messing up the tan two minutes after you get it. However, that comes at the cost of looking borderline zombie-ish. It's all worth it though.
2. "Woohoo I can't wait to be tan, I can pretend it's summer again!"
Even if it's mid-November and freezing outside, if I get a spray tan, I WILL pretend it's 70 degrees outside. I can't help it. I'm going to be tan and remember the good times when it was warm.
3. "I always get medium, maybe I should go dark?"
I've had successful results with the medium spray too many times that I sometimes try to convince myself that dark would be interesting to try. I am wrong; as someone with naturally fair skin, dark is a NO, unless I want to look like I fell in some dirt.
Seriously! I'm getting a spray tan to remember what it's like to be tan and reminisce on the nice hot, summer days. I'd like to not freeze to death in the process!
5. "I'm too sticky! How am I supposed to try and get dressed without smudging it?"
It's like trying to put skinny jeans on after a shower, except you can't use a towel to dry off unless you want to ruin the new tan. It's really a struggle; thank goodness for the baggy clothes, though!
6. "When can I shower? Has it been 4-6 hours yet?"
While a spray tan feels so nice after it dries, the first couple of hours are the worst. Sitting around coated in a thin layer of tan is NOT pleasant.
7. "I smell like a walking bottle of tanning lotion, and I'm not mad about it?"
Surprisingly, showering off the excess tan does not make the smell go away. However, maybe it's just me, but the smell of the tan almost smells good and reminds you that you now look tan and fantastic!
8. "Okay, I look GOOD!"
Getting a spray tan literally boosts your self-esteem SOOOOOO much. I know that I catch myself looking into every reflective surface I see, hyping myself up every time. That nice bronze glow does make you look like a goddess.
9. "I look so natural, I must have everybody fooled."
After a bit, you get adjusted to the tan so you think that you look totally natural and that no one else will really notice that you got a spray tan. That's false. While you probably don't look fake (I'd hope not), people can usually tell you got a tan, but that is not a bad thing!
10. "I could honestly be in a toothpaste commercial."
It makes sense that when your skin gets darker, your teeth appear lighter. It's magic. Now, not only are you a bronzed-beauty, but you also look like a spokesmodel for Crest whitening toothpaste!
11. "It's been seven days, why am I pale again?"
I'm guilty of totally forgetting that spray tans unfortunately fade. Little by little over the week and after several showers, the tan fades which results in looking paler than ever after. It's truly a tragedy.
12. "Okay so when's the next free spray tan week?"
If you're lucky (like me haha), your local tanning place has deals so often! I swear every two months there's another offer for free or discounted tans. After getting your first tan, you'll never stop waiting for the next one. It becomes addicting.