Admit it.
At least once in your lifetime, you have dreamt about what your perfect life would look like.
You've probably fantasized about that perfect love story—meeting and spending forever with the person who completely takes your breath away, yet finds you just as breathtaking.
You've probably pictured what you want your future home to be like, whether it be big and brilliant or small and cozy.
And I can almost guarantee you've dreamt about finally deciding on a major, or picking a career path, that will make you the happiest in life
The truth is, we've all dreamt about it—and that's okay. Dreams are nothing to be ashamed of. Goals are not things we need to hide.
But the sad thing about these dreams is that we give up on them far too easily. Oftentimes we think it too ridiculous to have a nice house one day, too unlikely to end up with our dream job, and too unrealistic to fall in love with someone; and actually stay in love with that same someone till the end. We too often accept that our dreams are just too good to be true.
Here's some news for you: "too good" can be true. Believe it or not, it is possible to have a blissful, blessed, insanely happy life. Will it take some hard work? Yes. But will it be worth it? Abso-freakin'-lutely.
When I say "hard work", I'm referring to what obviously comes to mind: studying hard if you're going to school, staying dedicated if you're starting your own business or unique career, being patient for the right person to come along if you seek a happy, divorce-less marriage, etc. While all these things are very, very important, there's still more to it than that.
Happiness is more than what we earn for ourselves. Happiness is also—and largely—what Godgives to us because we have made sure to follow His will.
I hate to admit it, but I'll go ahead and be real with you all: I am a control freak, diseased with perfectionism, and that makes me very ill-equipped to handle something as uncontrollable and unpredictable as the future. I am terrified of failure, and I am terrified that I'll marry the wrong person or pick the wrong career and be miserable for it.
You see, I am this way because I believe that (nearly) perfect joy and happiness is attainable, for my Father promises me in His Word a life of abundance; but my problem is I'm absolutely petrified that I'll mess up somehow and miss out on it. So, one day, I found myself praying about it.
I asked God something along the lines of, "Lord, I know I'm supposed to walk by faith and not by sight and all that jazz, but could You maybe give me a tiny hint of what Your plan is? Or could You at least tell me what I need to do to get there? Where will I find the man who is meant to be my amazing, loving husband? Where will I find the job that I'll love doing for the rest of my life?"
And then, God simply replied, "follow me."
Follow Me.
Those two words immediately entered my thoughts upon finishing my prayer. This wasn't the kind of moment when God's voice audibly echoes throughout the air in a booming, thundering, sovereign sound or anything. Honestly, the reply more closely resembled what it's like when you ask a worker at Wal-Mart where to find the crafts section—simple, easy, but certain. I could almost imagine Him offering His hand to me as He said them.
And that is "How To Get The Spouse, House, And Career Of Your Dreams", and that is how you will find true happiness. I'm not saying that, just because we choose God, He will make us all millionaires. But He will make all things work together for our good.
He knows the exact man or woman that will love you better than any other would. He knows exactly what work you were called to do and will provide the best life for you, regardless of if it pays you gobs of money or not. He will guide you to these things if you will just follow Him there. You have to remember that He loves you. He wants you to get there!
So how do we follow Him there? Well, following God consists of many things, but above all, it requires your commitment. Of course, believing in Him is a good first step. Reading and obeying His word is another important one. But above all, to follow God is to keep Him at the center of your focus. Don't live your life keeping God only on the sidelines. Live your life to serve Him, to please Him, to learn about Him, and to love Him. The joy you will receive in return will be satisfaction enough; I promise. Anything else is just a bonus.
Nevertheless, it is okay to desire a great life for yourself. It is okay to want and to work for the spouse, house, and career of your dreams. But your life's end goal should not be these things. The end goal should always be to live for the One who loves you fiercely, and gave everything just for the chance to be with you; and you, with Him.
The beauty is, if you keep God as your main priority, you won't even need to search for your happiness. Happiness will find you—or, rather, it will be given to you. Just as promised.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." - Matthew 6:33