In this year's media, one of the most popular stories has been Caitlyn Jenner. Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, came out as trans over the past year and has fully embraced herself. Jenner faced harsh criticism by the media and by many Americans for transitioning and openly coming out as her true self, but has also been greeted with a lot of support.
Jenner has used her prevalence in the media to openly fight for trans awareness and support, which is a very amazing and necessary thing to be doing. In the past year since Jenner's transition, I have seen an incredible amount of education about trans people. I have witnessed more people asking thoughtful, non-judgmental questions about being trans and then understanding it more and supporting it. While she still faces some backlashes, like the Halloween costume made to mimic her Vanity Fair cover, just by being open about who she is, has educated thousands of people on transgender issues.
While Jenner has been amazing for trans awareness, she has missed a few points on simply being a woman. Jenner has lived with that "male privilege" her whole life until recently, and has a lot of learning to do about the struggles of women. The major thing that has got women all over the country upset with Jenner is her recent claim that the hardest part of being a woman is "figuring out what to wear." Seriously?
I guess we were all assuming after facing such controversy to become a woman, she'd have an understanding on the struggles women face day to day, much more than picking out your clothes.
Rose McGowan, an actress, responded angrily when Jenner was awarded Glamour Magazine's Woman of the Year title. McGowan summed it up nicely by saying, "You want to be a woman and stand with us -- well learn us. We are more than deciding what to wear. We are more than the stereotypes foisted upon us by people like you."
McGowan then faced backlash for this, with many people claiming she was being transphobic. However, this claim is in no way transphobic, and is very true. Jenner has a stage no trans woman has ever had before, and she should be using it to further the rights of not only trans women, but women in general. By demeaning an entire group of people to just clothes, Jenner has shown she still has some adjusting to do in her new spotlight.
While some of these things said by Caitlyn Jenner have been problematic, I am hopeful that she is truly just adjusting to the new spotlight and will continue to fight for trans rights and awareness while also embracing and empowering other women.