Now, before you jump to the wrong conclusion, I am not writing this article from the perspective of an athlete. Sure, I enjoy running, working out, and the occasional game of rugby or soccer. But for now, my point of view is from that of a sportsfan, someone watching and participating from the outside.
As someone who grew up in Kansas City, Missouri, I definitely got used to a culture that thrived on sporting events. Baseball, football, soccer, etc were all loved and celebrated. We'd have fun tailgating, attending games, and talking about them for a long time after as we thoroughly enjoyed getting to understand how it all worked.
Now, I didn't always understand sports. I'm still occasionally learning new things about rules or stats and how they all work together, but that doesn't mean I'm totally clueless. What frustrates me is when people, especially women, are looked down on for being loyal to their home/collegiate team, even if they aren't doing well, based on the assumption that they don't know enough to choose something better to cheer for.
Excuse me?
Loyalty does not equal ignorance.
There's something to be said for fans who continue cheering long after or even before there's something worth cheering for. While there are definitely people out there who don't know much about sports and are loyal due to proximity or family influence, this isn't even remotely a one size fits all type of scenario. Cheering for a team who isn't doing well and knowing it all too well shows pride, respect, appreciation for your roots, and hopes that in time, it will get better! Look at the 2015 and 2016 World Series if you need examples! The Royals made a comeback after 30 years, and the Cubs might just win after 103! Anything can happen!
Ladies, don't let your significant others, friends, family, or coworkers try to tell you what you know or who you have to root for. And though I have a lot of hometown pride and am therefore a bit biased, you don't have to cheer for your home team just because everyone else may be doing it. Whatever you choose, do it for yourself. Guys, too! Ditch the shame or hesitancy. Just don't try to force your opinion on someone else. Embrace your ability to cheer your heart out for whatever team it beats too.
Go {insert team name here}!