There are always people who devote their lives to the sports that they love. Whether it be in high school, in college or on a professional level, those athletes know that if they did not have sports, they have no idea where they would be. In high school, playing on a team means wearing that letterman jacket and showing off your skills which have always been amazing accomplishments. However, it is also amazing if you do not play a sport.
The stereotype that you have to play sports to be “cool, popular and in-shape” is completely absurd. As many others, I am not atheletic, and I do not know how it feels to be so dedicated to a sport. Although, I have not played a sport since eighth grade, I have still continued to have the time of my life in high school. The brotherhood, sisterhood, friends and family that students find in sports is also found in so many other places. People do not realize that there are clubs, organizations and so many more activities where this feeling of unity and family is present.
Of course, there are those days when students wish they played a sport to receive huge recognition from the school, get bags of sweets on game days and be the source of unity at the school, but it is okay if you’re not. It is okay that you do not go on that field and show your athletic ability. At the end of the day, the one thing students love most about the sport is how it makes them feel- how it makes them feel happy and proud. However, there are so many things in this life that still make people feel happy and proud. So, sports or no sports- you’re A-Okay.