I work as a sports writer for a local newspaper in my college town. This kind of writing could very easily become very dull, repetitive and formulaic, so every single word matters.
One common task I have is coming up with synonyms for the past tense verb conjugation "beat." It's not entertaining to read, "The Winhawks beat the Ramblers." Here are some synonyms for you to use in your own writing.
*Note: My taxonomy is not an exact science. Many of these words could be sorted into multiple categories. You may stay seated.
1. Typical destruction terms.
Destroyed, Demolished, Ruined, Totaled.
2. Personal level assault like terms.
Battered, Ravaged, Ravished, Slaughtered, Eviscerated.
3. Larger group terms.
Annihilated, Devastated, Abolished, Ruined, Trampled.
4. Actual legal terms.
Committed Homicide, First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, Manslaughter, Voluntary Manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter.
5. Fire terms.
Burned, Incinerated, Scorched, Disintegrated.
6. Water terms.
Washed away, Flushed, Drowned, Tsunami'd, Kersplooshed, Drained.
7. Earth terms.
Quaked, Shook, Poured Fertilizer On, Cracked.
8. Air terms.
Blasted, Blew, Blew by, Tornadoed.
9. Eating terms.
Ate, Consumed, Devoured, Masticated, Ground, Digested, Finished.
10. Terms that make me think of fish and hunting.
Hooked, Caught, Gutted, Skinned, Speared.
11. Medical terms.
Euthanized, Pulled the plug on, Cranioectomized, Lobotomized Women specific: Hystercentesised, Colpoectomized. Men specific: Orchidectomized, Orchidclasiad.
12. Insensitive Historical Disaster Terms.
For the name of the disaster, it's best to stick with the way to which it is most commonly referred, whether that be a location name, proper noun or otherwise.