It is October, which happens to be every sports fan's favorite month. Why? The football season is in full swing, the hockey and basketball seasons are beginning, and the baseball playoffs are here. That's why October is the sports fan's favorite month. There is so much excitement and anticipation in the air. However, there will also be a lot of disappointment.
Here are the 14 things that happen to the average hardcore sports fan when their team loses the big game (or any game for that matter):
1. The state of shock.
2. Pure disappointment.
Once the shock starts to wear off, then the feelings of disappointment and disgust sets in, especially in those close games that came down to the final seconds.
3. The rage stage.
Here's where it gets interesting. You channel all of your disappointment and frustration into anger. No one should get in your way that night, for you are a forced to be reckoned with.
NOTE: Rage increases if your team lost against a rival team, a crappy team, or a playoff team.
4. "I don't wanna talk about it..."
Well, this is pretty self-explanatory. Depending on the type of person you are, you may not want to talk to anyone after a tough loss.
5. Drown your sorrows.
Some may handle a tough loss very hard, and therefore resort is either drinking or binge eating. It is so easy to self-medicate yourself with food and drinks.
6. Work it out.
If you are the sports fan that avoids drowning your sorrows with food and drinks, well good for you! You're taking the healthier approach of trying to overcome a tough loss. Instead, just blow off some steam, burn some calories and work it out!
7. Vent a little.
Another healthy way to release your frustration from a tough loss is to vent. This method is most effective when you have friends who are also fans of your favorite team. They understand the pain and the struggle, and they will vent out their frustrations with you.
8. Bad plays and injuries haunt you.
After you have dealt with all the anger and sadness, there are two things that makes a tough loss worse. First, is knowing that your team could have won if they would have played smarter, but gave the game away due to mistakes. Second, is if the star player on your team had a serious injury in the game. If that happens, then you know that it may be a very long season.
9. Blame the referees.
If your team had a lot of penalties on the night, some of which may have been controversial, then it is easy to place blame on the game officials and referees. It's one of the easiest excuses a sports fan can possibly make up.
10. Accuse the other team of cheating.
DISCLAIMER: You can only do this if your team lost to the New England Patriots.
11. Don't show up to work or school.
One of the main reasons why people hate to see their team lose, is because they know that their friends and co-workers are going to give them such a hard time. Throughout the entire day, maybe the entire week even; you and your team will constantly be mocked and made fun of. The only choices you have are to either skip work or school, and hope that they forget about it, or go to work and school, and take the criticism head on.
12. Stay loyal and defend your team
Keep this in mind: Jumping on the bandwagon is not cool. It shows that you are not a true fan of your team. Real sports fans are always loyal to their favorite teams through thick and thin. They identify themselves with their team, and they know that when they lose, they'll be laughed at. It's all part of the process of being a fan.
13. Smack talk.
Better yet, if someone makes fun of your team, find something to poke fun at about their team. Smack talk will always be an important element in the sporting world.
14. We live to play another day.
Hey all sports fan, don't worry, be happy and rejoice! Why? Because no matter how tragic your team's loss was, they'll have another game to redeem themselves soon.
If your team lost in a crucial playoff or elimination game, well then I'm sorry. That pain may last a while. Try to focus your attention from one sport to another. For example, if your favorite baseball team just got eliminated in the playoffs, there is always football, hockey, and basketball to look forward to. All of our teams will live to play another day.