This’ll be blunt. I believe sports are fascist. I believe sports, now engrained in our society, instills fascist ideals in our youth and operate exactly like a fascist regime would.
I’m not the only one who doesn’t like sports. There are plenty of people alive today who feel the same. I’ll be honest, I only started saying, “sports are fascist” as a joke. But over time it has become something I actually believe, a part of my moral code.
So exactly what is fascism? defines fascism as a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
In a word, sports.
All throughout the country sports and sports fans have taken over local/national governments to force all taxpayers to support the reconstruction of land into palatial sports complexes, for the betterment of only those who refuse to outgrow their innate obsession with silly games. These grand arenas never benefit any local citizens. Other social services, such infrastructure maintenance and budget monitoring, are completely abandoned so that sports fans have a place to eat and drink over-priced concessions, insult overpaid athletes, while contractors and developers pocket huge paychecks right under their noses.
You might say, "It's just a game" however it's more awful than that. It's a racket. It's a redirection, and it's an apparatus of persecution utilized by fascist governments all over the place. No, there's nothing blameless or wholesome about sports at any level.
Sports are a racket since they move public money into the pockets of private temporary workers and engineers without giving any genuine advantage to the public. Sports are a distraction since they move individuals' concern far from important problems, battles and developments and onto arranged rivalries of no essentialness at all. Sports are an apparatus of fascist abuse since they isolate children by age and sexual orientation and pit them against each other while adults propagandize them and urge them to control, command, and annihilate their adversaries in a macho manner.
It is a cycle of draining money from the public, giving it away to developers and contractors and forcing fascist ideals into our young. Sports are fascist. They support a culture of oppression, corruption, and domination. It is high time we stop indoctrinating fascism through organized sports and create a more sustainable society.
Note: What you just read is full of hyperbole and over generalization and shouldn’t be taken for entire seriousness.
Here’s what I really think. The machismo of team sports that we instill in our youth at such an early age may lead to crime. That's a fact. Penn State and Ray Rice are two examples of how the culture of sports sometimes contributes to criminal activities. And because of how engrained this part of our culture is here in the U.S., these ridiculous acts and behaviors are sometimes 'swept under the rug'. Children are sometimes traumatized, injured or simply suffering through an ordeal they’d rather not continue because the ideal of sporting is sometimes artificial. Encouraging competition and gender discrimination, discouraging cooperative creativity and imaginative play, these are byproducts of pressuring organized sports that are happening now. It would be asinine of me to say that sports are the reason that so many awful public tragedies are occurring. For the most part, though it pains me to say, organized sports are very beneficial to society. That being said, it’s important to see the correlation between recent behavior and the organized sports fueling said behavior.
Off the record, don’t even get me started on the loss of productivity due to fantasy leagues and such. Those are so inherently stupid.