We all are familiar sports, whether we are an athlete or not. Here are five reasons sports are the best thing ever.
They're fun to watch.
There are so many different types of sports to watch out there—professional, little league, and intramural. There's always something going on for every type of sports fan.
They're fun to participate in.
Not only do you get to play and have fun, but you also get to work out while playing. Again, there is always something out there to participate in for every type of sports fan.
Sports are always changing.
There is always something changing in the world of sports. Sometimes players will move to other teams, and other times a new type of sport is formed! There is always something to look forward to.
You can build relationships from sports.
If you are solely a sports fan and enjoy watching a game, you have a community of fans rooting for the same team and encouraging more fans to watch and have a good time. If you play sports, you get to create amazing friendships with your teammates and training mates that can last forever.
Sports are everywhere.
No matter where you go, sports are a prominent part of people's culture. It is a conversation starter and an activity to kill time. Everywhere you go, fan culture is a little different. Sports are a unique thing that are extremely exciting to watch and play. Wherever you go, sports culture will follow you.
So if you aren't watching or playing sports, what are you doing with your time?