To The Sport I Played In High School | The Odyssey Online
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To The Sport I Played In High School

My sport truly shaped me.

To The Sport I Played In High School
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High school sports are one of the best things in the world. Sports give you a group and a definition in high school. Friend groups usually consisted of people who played the same sport. People are proud to wear their jerseys to school on game day or to do a funny dance in your school's pep rally because their sport was a part of them.

High school sports teach kids so many things. You learn lessons about yourself, about your team, and general life lessons. It makes you part of something bigger than yourself when you don't only have to do well for yourself but for your team too. Sports make kids tough. Kids will try to play through the pain to ensure the team has their a big win; They will put aside everything else that is happening in the world and concentrate on this game or match or meet.

Sports also teach kids sportsmanship and respect. Even after a tough loss sports teaches kids to be kind to the other team and not to do anything that would harm their or their school's reputation. Sports teach responsibility. They teach kids to be responsible for themselves. Many times coaches will cancel practice and assign a practice to do at home, leaving it up to that athlete to complete that workout.

Also, most importantly, sports teach leadership. Every year, seniors graduate and freshman enter high school, it is up to the athletes to accept everyone and make sure that their team is truly working as a team. Students often set up and host pasta parties which brings the team together.

Sports give kids a support system and a second family. You spend countless practices, countless bus rides, and so much time playing the sport you love together. Your teammates become your brothers and sisters; your coaches become your second parents. It teaches you to respect others, especially your coaches who help you through rough times and make sure that you are playing to your full potential.

High school athletes are special kids. It takes an immense amount of dedication, hard work, and balance to ensure that these kids are successful on and off the field. Whether you were the MVP or just an average player, sports teach every kid so many important lessons and make them incredible people.

Although only a handful of kids will go on to play in college, that does not mean that high school sports should be over looked, because they create a bond between so many different people and the memory of those high school sports will stay with that individual forever. The lessons that sports teach high schoolers will stick with them for the rest of their lives.

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