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9 Spooky TV Shows To Watch If You Don't Like Horror Movies

Why watch a movie when you can watch an episode?

9 Spooky TV Shows To Watch If You Don't Like Horror Movies

October is finally here which means that there are a lot of scary movies being watched. Some people, however, would rather watch a series instead of a movie. Although scary TV shows usually don't have the same effect as movies, they can still be scary enough. Most of the spooky TV shows that I have seen follow a storyline that keeps you wanting more. The plots are full of monster fights, crazy twists, and revelations with the perfect amount of normal and creepy!

Black Mirror

Most people have seen black mirror but if you haven't, this show spooks you in a variety of ways, depending on the episode. Some episodes keep me on my feet and others are just plain weird.

American Horror Story

American Horror Story isn't as scary as it is creepy. Each season has a different theme, most of which follow a twisted story line. It's probably one of the best TV shows to watch- especially during October.

Bates Motel

As a son and his mother open a hotel, the locals aren't friendly because they know the truth about the hotel. This series will definitely keep you on your toes with hauntings and plot twists.


Season one is Supernatural's most scary season, however if you get sucked into this show it will likely become a favorite. The Winchesters fight all types of monsters that creep in the night and they work their way up to the tougher opponents. Each season gets more intense with a different antagonist for almost every season. This is a show that will keep you involved all the way to the end.

Penny Dreadful

This show is a psychological thriller that is about slaying monsters while solving mysteries. It hasn't been airing for long but the plot is captivating.

The Haunting of Hill House

This series follows siblings who grow up and have to face ghosts of their past. Although this series hasn't been airing for long, it is still a great one to watch.

Van Helsing

This series is about the world being overrun by vampires while Vanessa Helsing holds the power to turn vampires into humans. As Vanessa is fighting monsters and saving humanity, you'll be kept wondering what the next plot twist is going to be.

Wynonna Earp

Wynonna only has one task- and that is to take out resurrected souls of criminals that her great grandfather brought down. As the main character is a demon protector, there are lots of plot twists in this series that will definitely hold your attention.

Scream The TV Series

While mirroring some things from the movie franchise, it takes on its own story line, a new look for Ghost Face, and an all new group of friends.

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