What sorority girl doesn't love formal? It is the chance to get dressed up, maybe ask the cute guy you've been crushing on and dance the night away with your sisters.
The pictures you take are the ones that get over 100 likes on Instagram and you always have some pretty decent stories from formal, but where the best stories come from are sponto.
For those of you who don't know what a sponto is, it is short for spontaneous dance. The theme is revealed a few days before the dance, which really forces your creativity in costumes/outfits.
Spontos are the greatest thing ever, because of the “whatever can happen" attitude everyone has.
1. Sponto is more casual than formal.
I love getting dressed up with heels and a cute dress that I probably searched for for weeks, but being able to dress in a theme is one of my favorite things. It is like Halloween all over again, and it is fun to see how many different things people can put together in only a few days.
2. Date choice.
If it is the cute guy you've been crushing on, asking him to sponto is so less awkward than asking him to formal. Even bringing a girl friend is the most fun thing, because now you get to dress up and go out with your best friend and just have a great time.
3. Themed dances: you just can't go wrong.
Like I said before, it is like Halloween all over again, and EVERYONE loves Halloween.
4. They don't last as long as formal.
After three hours of dancing in heels I am just about done and ready to get home, but sponto I get to wear whatever kind of shoes I want and we get to go home sooner to join our other friends who weren't able to celebrate this night with us.
5. The themes are endless.
I love hearing of other sorority's themes, because the way that each sorority can have a different one each time still amazes me. From 'Merica themed to high school stereotypes, it is just fun to have a different option for every dance.