My roommate Maddie and I can literally have any conversation and then somehow we end up talking about and referencing Spongebob. We're always like, "oh like the episode with_____ and _____ happened" and "Do you remember when____?" I've never known anyone to understand the depth of my love for Spongebob as much as Maddie understands it. So here is finals week as told by Spongebob Squarepants or maybe this is more accurately describing everyday life.
1. When you're up studying all night, possibly including all-nighters.
2. Then when you do try to sleep your brain won't shut off. Then you begin to worry and overthink everything you know.
3. This is what you look like showing up to an 8 a.m. final:
4. There's always that one person who's strangely excited to be awake for an 8 a.m. final.
5. But then you see one of your friends and decide that it's a good idea to sit next to them during the exam.
6. Your professor embarrasses you in front of the class and basically tells you to shut up.
7. Did I mention the exam is on an ancient computer from 2001?
8. The exam starts and you look at the first question completely dumbfounded like:
9. Your professor tells you not to look up at all during the exam but then you forget that rule and look up to check the time and then awkwardly end up making eye contact with your professor.
10. Suddenly the professor calls time and takes up your exam.
11. Nope.
12. Your professor doesn't feel sympathy and tells you that you earn the grade that you received.
13. Dump everything! Homework, tests, quizzes, and notes! Everything must go! This is the best part of the semester.
14. When your best friend and you celebrate surviving finals week.
15. Congrats, you're a non-failure.
16. Yay, happy dance time!
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