Looking around my college classes, I've noticed there are a ton of different people, yet each type of person is in every class. While some may not be my favorite, each personality contributes to the class dynamic. Without each different type of person, each class would be even more boring. So throughout my time in college, these are the types of people I have had class with:
1. The Optimistic
Whether it is an 8 a.m. or 7 p.m. class, this person always has a smile on their face. They come over prepared and eager to learn. They are refreshing at first but midway through the semester they get to be too much. They are always trying to be the professor's favorite, too.
2. The "Borrower"
They are always asking you for some of your food or a piece of your gum. They never are prepared so they ask for a pen in every class. then try to sell it to the person next to them in another class. They always give a rude comment when you ask for it back.
3. The Grump
No matter what day it is, this person is always in a bad mood. Throughout the lecture they sigh loud enough for the back of the room to hear and is obviously not interested in being there at all. Or even pretending to like it.
4. The Know It All
Participating in class is something everyone should do, but this person never stops. They are always trying to outshine everyone in class, including the professor. They are the one to point out that the teacher said the next class is tomorrow when really it's the day after.
5. The Dummy
This person is always coming to class as if they ad just come from the gym. They always make it a point to speak loudly about their athletic accomplishments and always has the girls in the class crushing in them.
Even though these people all may get on your nerves, no college class would be complete without them.