Throughout our childhood, various television shows taught us about different aspects of life. However, one stands out in particular. Here's a list of valuable lessons that our favorite beloved undersea sponge, unbeknownst to us at the time, implanted in our young minds to prepare us for higher education.
1. If you say something enough times, you'll start to believe it.
"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready." Was he ready? Maybe he was. Are we ready? We're probably not, but give it a try. Yelling things over and over while you run and/or ride your unicycle is effective.
2. It's scary to think about the passage of time.
Sometimes, for your sanity, it's best to live in the moment.
3. Honestly, you're probably better off walking.
People drive like crazies sometimes. Play it safe.
4. This may not be the best time in your life to own a pet.
They're great, but being in a confined space all the time may lead to interesting results.
5. Sometimes, your computer just may be your best friend (and/or spouse).
"Oh, Karen, my computer wife!"
6. Was the night before good enough to justify the morning after? It probably was.
I'm just going to leave this here.
7. If you stay in the library too long, you might start having weird suspicions about those around you.
That guy's been there a long time. He hasn't even looked up. I don't think he's blinked in three hours.
8. People will try to tell you that there's no way that you can finish the assignment before it's due.
I beg to differ.
9. Not every guy can pull off facial hair.
There is no disputing this one.