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Student Life

25 SpongeBob Moments That Describe The Struggles Of All Architecture Students

What's funnier than 24? These 25 SpongeBob gifs.

25 SpongeBob Moments That Describe The Struggles Of All Architecture Students

Architecture school is something else. Sometimes in a good way, but sometimes in an "I haven't slept for three days" way. I find one of the best strategies to get through the struggle is with some humor, and what better opportunity to have a laugh than with SpongeBob?

Your studio instructor getting ready to mark up your drawings

You know it's about to get real when they pull out trace paper and a pen.

Hurting yourself while building a model

Did you really build a model if you didn't get cut with an Exacto blade at least once?

When it's time for review but you didn't finish your model

If your concept and drawings are good enough, that will make up for it...right?

When someone says "you look tired"

Oh, really? I wonder why.

The school trying to get students to go see guest lecturers

I would go to the extra lecture if I could, but I have this thing called final review coming up...

When your classmates collectively decide not to do everything your studio instruction asked for

And yet sometimes there's that one person who agrees but does it all anyway.

The night before review

One last push and it will all be over. You can do it!

Showing your non-architecture friends around the studio space

There are two types of friends: studio friends and non-architecture friends.

When your studio instructor finally likes your work

Savor the moment- it might not happen again soon.

Cleaning off your clothes after working with foam

It. Gets. Everywhere.

When you finally eat a warm meal after being in studio for days straight

Wow, real food!

The guest jurors on review who see right through you

What, you mean adding a green roof and a courtyard space didn't solve all my problems?

When you finally finish your *fill in blank with mundane yet time consuming task*

Structures homework? Theory diagrams? Construction lab? You name it.

When you are out of coffee

More caffeine, please!

Desperately trying to photoshop model photographs

Alright, time to erase all traces of hot glue.

​When you get roasted at review

Can we stick to constructive criticism, please?

Fifteen minutes into your first structures class

That's what the engineers are there for!

"Tell me about your concept."

Well, to start, it looks pretty cool...

When you're required to build an 1/8" - 1'-0" scale model

Why is my tower as tall as me?

When everyone in studio is being too loud

Okay, time to concentrate.

You finish presenting a project you are proud of

Please recognize all the time and effort!

4 a.m. in studio

Brain. Cannot. Function.

When someone is trying to use your laser cutter time

I'm not cutting by hand if I don't have to.

Last day of the semester

You're free! It is time to be grateful for a challenging yet rewarding semester.

That's a wrap!

Architecture school isn't always easy, but with hard work and some humor, you'll do just fine.

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