Spongebob is arguably one of the funniest animated shows around. There are so many moments that can describe adulthood to a T. As I grew up, I learned to understand how Squidward feels. Especially in the episode when Squidward shouldn't have gotten out of the bed. Here are a few of my favorite moments that describe being an adult.
1. When your boss asks you to work overtime
2. When you pay your bills, this is what the company does
3. When you have 10 billion chores to do
4. When you don't have the money to feed yourself, try filter-feeding! Not really
5. That moment when you just aren't feeling it
6. Then there's the people who come into your job and act all rude for no reason
7. Sometimes you just want to make your parents go grocery shopping with you
8. Walking into work on Mondays like...
9. What working 9-5 does to you
10. Then you start to wonder how you grew up so fast
11. And think how much you miss not having responsibilities
12. But you soon realize you can't change the fact you're an adult now and you try to do the best you can
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