As a writer, I envy other writers who can so easily find such a complex feeling or thought process or set of emotions and express them so effortlessly. Those writers who can make the world cry or laugh or get angry solely by their words. In my opinion, some of the best writers are those of poetry. A few years ago I got really into spoken word and I decided too share some of my favorites with you and the lies that stuck out the most.
1. "When The Fat Girl Gets Skinny" ~ Blythe Baird
"As a child, fat was the first word people used to describe me, which didn't offend me until I found out it was supposed to."
2. "9 Things I Would Like To Tell Every Teenage Girl" ~ Melissa Newman-Evans
"The world is trying to kill each and every one of you, and if you do not hold each other up, no one else will."
3. "Dear Straight People" ~ Denise Frohman
"Dear straight bullies, you're right. We don't have the same values. You kill everything that's different. I preserve it."
4. "Fat Girl" ~ Megan Falley
"Fat girl, don't hate her body. Fat girl, hate the world. Fat girl, fat mouth. Fat girl, fatter fist."
5. "To This Day" ~ Shane Koyczan
"And if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror. Look a little closer. Stare a little longer."
6. "Anxiety Group" ~ Catalina Ferro
"Because you have to have a soul-crushing hope that things will get better to be this afraid of missing it."
7. "14 Lines from Love Letters Or Suicide Notes" ~ Doc Luben
"How can something be there and then just not be there? How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?
8. "OCD" ~ Neil Hilborn
"How can it be a mistake that I don’t have to wash my hands after I touched her? Love is not a mistake, and it’s killing me that she can run away from this and I just can’t."
9. "If I Should Have A Daughter" ~ Sarah Kay
"When you step out of the phone booth to try to fly and the very people you wanna save are the ones standing on your cape..."
10. "Pretty" ~ Katie Makkai
"The word pretty is unworthy of everything you will be, and no child of mine will be contained in five letters. You will be pretty intelligent, pretty creative, pretty amazing, but you will never be merely 'pretty."