Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Folgers, Maxwell House, the local coffee shop around the corner, you name it; I’ll drink it. Coffee is delicious. As I write this I am, in fact, drinking my second iced coffee of the day.
My love for coffee started back when I was drinking “Kids Coffee.” My older siblings were lucky enough to get to drink “Kids Coffee,” so naturally, as the youngest, I got what they got and drank Kids Coffee at the ripe young age of 9 or 10. Looking back, this drink was actually rather repulsive -- my mom filled the cup about ¼ with actual coffee and ¾ with milk. Why we thought this was good is beyond me.
My love for coffee started as me thinking it was cool to adult and drink coffee with my older brothers and sister. My mom and dad kicked off their morning with a nice large Dunkin coffee with cream and 1 sugar, and so did I (read: looking back mine was majority cream, splash of coffee, and a pound of sugar).
My love for coffee took a hiatus at the beginning of middle school when adults warned me it would stunt my growth. My one friend went so far as to convince me I’d never grow another inch. Little did I know, I was already a giant for my grade and not growing another inch anyway. Sure enough, it took me a year and half to realize that, but then the coffee came flooding back in.
My love for coffee went full speed ahead all throughout high school -- one friend loved my coffee addiction so much, she asked me to bring some coffee for her too! Tumblers of coffee every morning, and in the off chance it was forgotten, an ice coffee in the cafeteria would suffice.
My love for coffee became a bit of a crutch for late night studying in the library. Dunkin Donuts down the street from campus knew my order better than I did, Frappy Hour became a frequent outing for my roommates and I, and coffee did the trick in a pinch.
My love for coffee still didn’t die down after transferring schools -- I just found new coffee hot spots and new ways to transport more coffee to class and to the library.
My love for coffee ended...never. Just kidding that won’t happen - America runs on Dunkin, and so do I.