College is great. Except for one obvious fact: we have to do school! There's nothing worse than being on your own, answerable to no one, but enslaved to your classes. That's why summer is so great. The weather's nice and there's nothing keep you from doing what you want to do. Except for on other small problem: what's there to do? Summer is the time of endless opportunities, but sadly, it can also be the time of infinite boredom.
This has always been going on. Since the dawn of history, mankind has struggled with the ruthless nature of life. When there is something we want to do, we have to work. When there is nothing we have to do, we can't find anything to keep ourselves occupied.
We have all tried to defeat this. Some with more success than others. There have been some who in their charity have attempted to help others. Netflix, in its infinite wisdom saw fit to endow mankind with cinematic entertainment that can be readily streamed.
But of course, this only puts off boredom for a short time, it cannot cure it. The solution then, is a rather frightening one.
Grow Up
The last thing any college student wants to do. The most petrifying thing ever college student has to do. Like it or not, the only escape from the endless cycle of boredom and unreachable excitement is to study hard, and chase your ambitions.
What's truly exciting in life is not endless partying, expensive meals, midnight swims and fancy tea parties. What makes life exciting is finding your mission in life. Meeting your spouse, having children and finding your calling are examples of this.
Life may spoil good times, but it can also give us the best of times.