I am about to talk about the events that occurred during the Reunion of Gilmore Girls and if you read further and spoil the ending, it is your own fault.
Okay, first, the obvious: why is everyone so chill about the whole Logan didn't chose to be with Rory thing? I know. I know. Blonde hair, great teeth, always makes her laugh, yes! He is certainly a charming fellow, but he never chose Rory. He was sleeping with her, they went on adventures together, and he clearly had feelings for her, but he did not chose her! He also let his father bully her on more than one occasion. He is Logan. I get it. He is fun and handsome, but he doesn't follow through. He was not good for Rory.
Second, this whole pregnant thing: it is weird. I know that those four words have been in the plan for ages, but I don't think they played out the way they were supposed to. I personally would like to imagine that Rory deliberately got pregnant, like she was so inspired by the first 3 chapters of her book that she had Paris help her find a sperm donor, and boom! However, I know that in many ways the show implied that it was Logan's baby. So, alright. I will just table that topic, knowing Rory is going to be an awesome mom.
Third, what one Earth was that musical: Seriously, I am starting to think there is some weird Stars Hallow commentary that I have been missing all these years. Can I mention here that in the episode where Jess (who many people love) arrives in Stars Hallow a song plays that basically says "This place is hell, but you'll get used to it." Sounds to me like someone does not like small towns.
Well, not true. I think Lorelei realizes in this final episode that she does like small towns. Not just with the whole wanting to marry Luke thing, but also with the fact that, when she went to New York, she small towned her way into getting good food, coffee, and shoes! Lorelei is amazing at small town because she knows how to have fun and love the people there.
But Rory? Rory is not Lorelei. Yes, Rory gets along in a small town very well, but she has always sought after the big story and travel opportunities. Honestly, the ending of the series (as happy as parts of it were) really bother me. Lane is not touring with her band, but playing smooth jazz in a secret bar. Paris, The Great, feels like a failure, and is not tough enough to to face little weasel, Tristan. Rory is not giving everything to write for a big news paper company, but instead is pregnant and returning to a small town. Something is not right with this picture.
All this to say, I am still glad I got to watch this series with my mom, while we drank coffee from Luke's cups and talked about all the many things going on in our lives. This series, even though it leaves me in a weird place, was fun to watch and made me laugh. It is a series with heart and I am glad to have been a part of the fandom of Gilmore Girls.