True Detective is a short HBO TV series that aired in January 2014. It ran for the span of 8 lengthy 50 minute episodes that culminated in a rich character driven narrative the likes of which few shows can rival. How did a short show establish such depth in character that shows running for nine seasons can't compare? True Detective is a masterful work with strong screenplay techniques, consistently strong pacing and suspenseful narration pushed by excellent acting.
In a shorter time span than Game of Thrones, another highly acclaimed HBO series, and with far fewer characters, True Detective manages to cram a suspenseful story with masterful acting that HBO has come to be known for. One of the first things an astute viewer would notice is the lack of cuts throughout the episodes. The directing throughout the first season pays careful attention to long cut takes establishing careful pacing and suspense. The startling clarity of image and the realism of each shot consistently paints the Louisiana setting of True Detective as a gritty world steeped in poverty.
The directing of the overall story consistently pushes unique narratives. Although the two main characters Detective "Rust" played by Matthew McConaughey and Detective Marty played by Woody Harrelson fall somewhat within archetypes of detectives and policemen struggling to solve a case their characterization is much broader than the typical police drama. Both characters have difficult backstories which they realistically react throughout the narrative without once breaking with their core. Every character in the show has depth and, more importantly, a host of character flaws that grounds each character in the realistic and gritty world the writers established.
The acting of all characters in True Detective hit a sweet spot of raw emotion and and character features. The two lead detectives are fluid, learning and cracking under the pressure of their backstory and the stressful job of dealing with death but overall experiencing growth over the course of the series. The supporting cast does an excellent job of pushing the story forward.
True Detective is available on Amazon for about $25 for those who prefer a physical copy or HBO for streaming services.