Annabelle: Creation, released on August 11, 2017, is the fourth installment of the ever-expanding Conjuring franchise, which focuses on the real cases investigated by paranormal experts Ed and Lorraine Warren. First appearing in 2013's The Conjuring, the flagship film of the series, Annabelle has also appeared in her own spin-off, 2014's Annabelle, which was not as much a critical success as much as it was a commercial one.
Earning a 67% Rotten Tomato score and a "B" rating on CinemaScore, Annabelle: Creation is one of the highest-rated films in the Conjuring franchise. Earning $165 million worldwide, Creation boosted the series past the $1 billion mark, making it only the third horror franchise to cross it, behind the Alien and Resident Evil franchises.
Creation gives more insight into the origins of the doll that is featured so heavily in the franchise. Set in the 1950's, the film follows a group of orphaned girls who have gone on to live with Samuel and Esther Mullins. The longer they stay, the more the girls realize something is not right about the house, and by the time they realize what exactly is going on, it's too late.
I personally feel that it was a great film, it wasn't just the creepy doll, it really made you feel scared to your core. On top of that Benjamin Wallfisch did an amazing job scoring the film, making your heart pound and set you up to be even more scared when the action happened. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good scare. But please do not bring your children to see this film, it is definitely not suitable for children under the age of 15.