For those of you who were unaware, Spit is a sequel to the 2000 thriller Unbreakable. With that being said you don't need to see the first movie to understand the second but I didn't know there was a prequel so I thought that may be useful information to you.
This film was remarkably well done. The casting was rather phenomenal not only in the choice of James Mcavoy but also with Betty Buckley who plays the psychiatrist. There is part of the movie that flips into a slightly paranormal feel which I didn't much like. However, I found it very interesting to watch the main character flop inbetween personalities.
I was fully intrigued throughout the entire film. It had a way of immersing you into a scenario that isn't much brought up in fictional works. I'm keeping this review rather short because I believe this film is worth watching and I don't want to give too much away.