The semester is finally coming to a close, but you probably still feel as stressed out as you did when you first enrolled- if not more so.
Although you know the material, making studying a priority can be almost impossible and very straining. Being a young adult, we have other responsibilities; bills, careers, relationships, and other commitments. Trying to focus all of our time and energy on those 15-page research papers all due on the same day, and cramming for those two-hour finals that are going to be open-ended essay questions (because your professor doesn't believe in multiple choice), can be stressful and draining. Here are a few encouraging reminders, spiritually uplifting songs, and reminders that God is sovereign even in your struggle to study.
1. "How Can It Be:" Lauren Daigle
This is one of my all-time favorites, and not just because it has a catchy tune. The lyrics take my heart and make it stir up because of how passionate and honest they are. "You plead my cause, you right my wrongs. You break my chains, you overcome."
This semester, I've gotten a lot of quiz answers, topic discussions and exams wrong. Once they were marked wrong in red ink, there was nothing I could do about it other than just try to do better the next time. One breath of relief is that God's grace doesn't operate under any syllabus. He grants us His grace that allows us a do-over, and He doesn't mark all over us, but rather washes us afresh again.
2. "Isaiah 40: 30 & 31 [NIV]"
"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
One of my favorite qualities about my Savior is the fact that He wants the absolute best for us in every single circumstance; He wants us to have those front row seats, every time. He tells us that we will soar on wings like eagles, he doesn't say pigeons, ducks, birds, or crows. He says eagles- the wingspan of an eagle ranges anywhere from 72 to 90 inches. I think His point in this scripture is to show us the power, and extending love He wants us to take apart of. Even within the weariness of the school semester, harsh professors, or balancing between work and class- He covers us, and has our back when no one else does.
3. "No Longer Slaves:" Jonathan David & Melissa Helser
It's relevant to remember that within the confinement of our institutions, we are a child of the one true King, God. Although being a full-time, part-time or even a one class at a time student requires different forms of dedication, we mustn't neglect our devotion to Jesus. Most of us (speaking for USI), have about one week left of this semester, but that doesn't mean you have one week left of sharing your testimony. This song quotes, "From my mother's womb, You have chosen me, Love has called my name, I've been born again, Into your family, Your blood flows through my veins."
Being an English Major, these words sink within my heart and truly resonate there- what an encouragement.
Throughout the chaos of scheduling, meeting new peers, and giving presentations, as Christians we are still walking testimonies of God and His love- to the point we may be the only glimpse of Jesus someone will ever see. In your study sessions, test preparations and exams, remember that you are a child of God, not of this world. Everything you say and do have eternal value.
Remember that you have to push through this, and it is possible. Take a breath, and walk into your test centers with a smile because you can do this. The God that created the universe is the same God that lives instead of you, and with Him all things are possible. Believe that, practice that and be the one to share that good news with someone else.
Be a blessing, stay bold, and blow your final grades out of the water!