College has a ton of stereotypes, including the fact that we are all broke. So, we result to cheap and easy to make food. The most commonly chosen is Ramen noodles. They're not terribly horrible tasting, can be made in the microwave, and only costs $2.27 for 12 packs. However, eating Ramen for dinner 12 consecutive nights in a row gets old, and it doesn't taste as great as it did the first night.
So, let's spice it up!
Spices: Chili flakes, ginger, coriander, or even a cinnamon stick, to be taken out before being served, but try 'em!
Condiments: Apple cider vinegar, fish sauce, shrimp sauce, curry paste or power, or miso paste may give you just enough of a little kick to please those taste buds. Soy sauce is so common, and will make ramen yummy, too, but just so basic it hurts.
Veggies: Spinach, peppers, scallions, broccoli, snap peas, carrots, corn, peas, really any veggie, will add a little more nutrition and crunch to your instant noodles.
Eggs: Hard boil them, fry 'em, scramble 'em. Any way you choose will give you some protein and make it more scrumptious.
Meat: Chicken, beef, pork, tofu, if that counts, any cut you choose, season it with a little salt, and you'll enjoy! As long as you aren't vegetarian, and that's no fun anyways.
Otherthings: Lime, peanut, peanut butter, coconut milk, pineapples, or even taco seasoning, if you are daring.
Get to the store and get yourself some instant noodles and make something yummy out of them!!!!