Dear soon-to-be College Freshman,
College is very expensive, and we have all come to know that as students. If you're anything like I was, you probably had a job through most of your high school career. And if you're anything like I was, you're probably heading into college with the thought of how much money you're going to be spending sitting on the back burner; but if I can give you one piece of advice it's this: do not go into college with the thought of how much money you're going to be spending sitting on the back burner.
Like a lot of freshman at my school, I didn't have a job my first year of college. Not having any sort of job was new for me seeing as in high school I always had some sort of job which brought money into my bank account. I remember one day looking at my bank account because my friend was checking hers and literally being mind blown as to how low my account was.
For those of you heading into college here are some tips on how to save money:
1. Brew your OWN coffee the night before!!!
-If you are like me and have your favorite in town coffee shop, it will be a hard transition at first. Treat yourself to one coffee a week from Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks and brew your own coffee on the other mornings because trust me $3 every day starts adding up... FAST.
2. Sell and trade textbooks!
-The cost of textbooks can really make a hole in your wallet. Sell your old text books or trade with other students after each semester.
3. Sell things you don't need anymore.
-Download the app "Poshmark" and sell your old clothing and accessories.
4. Eat in your dining hall!
-Don't waste money on eating out when you have access to plenty of options in your schools dining hall.
5. Commit to a savings budget
-Use a saving budget app to keep track of your spendings or set up a system where you save every $5 bill you ever come across.
If you try to abide by at least a few of these guidelines, I can promise you you'll be able to keep track of your money and save it much better than someone who doesn't.
A soon-to-be College Sophomore