It wouldn’t be human of me not to have my moments, where I catch myself daydreaming, imagining my name among the richest in the world: Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet and the like. Apart from the multi billionaires, and the multi millionaires, most of us do have to watch what we spend. Some of us are wise with our money, while others are not.
The “art” of spending money is a difficult task to master, and I’m pretty sure I’ve got my rhythm down pat. I’m no billionaire, and heck, I’m not a millionaire either but, I know how money comes and goes. Trust me on this one, it’s never too early to watch how exactly you spend your hard earned cash.
I’ve held a wide range of jobs ever since entering high school, ranging from babysitter, secretary, blogger, EBay Seller, and stripper. Just kidding about the stripper part.
Over the course of five years, or so, I’ve adopted a wide range of good spending habits. More importantly, I’ve learned the true value of a dollar. However, it wouldn’t be right of me not to admit that I’ve had to learn from my fair share of mistakes.
While I know I am still learning, I didn’t think it was fair to keep my spending tricks and tips to myself. I thought I’d share them with all of you!
Learn to say no.
Sometimes you might be super tempted to dine in a fancy restaurant or spend big bucks on those shiny pair of shoes that really aren’t worth it. Stand your ground with every purchase and don’t let anyone talk you into something you didn’t want to buy in the first place.
Get a job.
And never be out of work. Having a job is so important, even if it’s only a few hours a week, having a few extra dollars in your pocket is better than nothing.
Don’t be an impulse buyer.
I promise it’s always okay to walk away, and think about a purchase before you actually do so. Always weigh the pros and cons: is it really worth it? would you rather wait? I can tell you that something better always comes around.
Sock it away!
As being an avid “Shark Tank” fan, Mark Cuban once said that if he had any advice for anyone coming into money, he would tell them to sock it away. There are so many reasons to spend, but of course so many more to save. In the long run you’ll be happier to have it in the bank.
Make a budget and stick to it.
Whether it’s food shopping, eating out, or going on vacation, plan how much you want to spend on everything. Nothing is worse than finding out, afterwards, that you spent beyond your means.
Never pay retail.
I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve been complimented on something I’ve bought on eEbay, Poshmark, discount websites, etc. Today’s online recourses are pretty incredible. Use them to your advantage!
Learn to invest.
Whether it is investment clothes, property, or jewelry; it is always important to know that what you are spending your money on will someday pay off in dividends. You never really want to buy something that isn’t re-sellable in the long run.
Coupons, coupons, coupons.
These speak for themselves, and always be sure to look for discount codes for websites!
Use what you have.
Whether its trying to find a new swanky outfit for an event, or trying to put together a last minute dinner, always look for what you have in “stock” before you go out to spend something you don’t actually need.
Treat yourself.
Life’s sweetest moments are had when you’re really able to reward yourself. Always know when you deserve a special treat, we all need a little “pick me up” once in a while but make sure it’s not quite too often.