If you're like me, then you grew up in a small, farm town and moved to a big city to go to college. You wanted to see what else the world had to offer other than back roads and corn fields. Now that the school year is coming to an end, I bet you're getting anxious to travel back home to those comforting back roads you spent 18 years driving down.
When I was trying to decide what college I wanted to attend, I was looking for the farthest school away from home as possible. I was looking for something new, something different. My parents ended up convincing me to stay in-state, but I knew I would be moving to a big city. I needed a change of pace and a change in scenery for that matter. So here I am, two years later with only two weeks left in my junior year of college. I'm going to be honest, I cannot wait to go home. I miss my hometown friends, my family, and my dogs!!
To me, summer is endless hours spent at the lake house, county fairs, and late nights by a bonfire. Not having to worry about school work or team meetings for three whole months is what is getting me through these next two weeks. Warmer weather is finally here and the days are getting longer. Only good things can come from summer break. Even if you're working every single day, at least you are making money and not having to worry about exams (optimism). If you're like me, then you're taking a couple summer classes to get ahead. Yes, I still have homework and exams, but I get to take those from the comfort of my own bed or even better - next to my pool!
A senior I had a class with this semester told me to make the absolute most out of this summer (summer before senior year), because after this there are no more summer breaks. Realistically, I'll be starting my first full-time job after graduating and will work throughout the entire year. I'm taking that advice to heart and going to make the most out of my last summer before fully entering adulthood.
I know for a fact that I will not be coming back to my small town after graduating, so this is my last summer at home. Again, I won't waste it. I will be spending all of my time doing all the things I loved growing up. I'll be driving down backroads with the windows down and country music blasting. I'll spend a majority of my time with friends lying next to the pool or be floating on the lake. The timing is perfect and I'll be able to visit my old high school to watch my little brother graduate.
It is just now hitting me that these will be the last few months I spend in the house I grew up in before completely moving out. We all have to move out sometime, and I guess my time is quickly approaching. It is bittersweet, that's for sure.