First, let’s play a game. Choose the things you’d rather purchase:
If you chose to purchase one of the luxury items (designer clothes, car, mansion), then sorry, this article isn’t for you. But if you chose one of the destinations, then you’re living life just right… according to science, anyway.
According to a study from Cornell University, it turns out that life’s winners aren’t the people who have the most stuff; the winners are the ones who have had the most experiences.
Whatttt? Aren’t we supposed to put all our money towards buying the best iPhone, TV, mansion? (If you’re reading this and you’re looking to buy a mansion, good for you.)
It turns out that while many think luxury items are the way to happiness, according to science, lasting happiness comes from experiences—outdoor activities, travel, new skills and time with friends.
Life in the 21st century is fast paced. All our surroundings make us feel like happiness is a time-restricted thing and the only happiness we can truly experience is the one where we’re constantly adding new items to our home or new electronics to our bag.
We think that the because our iPhone 17 Plus (we’ll be there one day) will last longer than a weekend escape to the Dominican Republic, that it will also equate to more happiness. Wrong.
Just because the iPhone is right in front of us, it makes it easier for us to see its value. Slowly, it loses its shine and you’re left watching others experience life as you scroll through your Instagram feed on your sofa going on day four of not washing your hair.
If this sounds anything like your life, take a minute. Think about it: Which had a greater impact on you – that time you had the coolest phone out of all your friends or the week you spent exploring Greece with your family? I’d guess it’s the option that made you feel most alive, and you can’t help but smile each time you think about it.
So what’s stopping you from traveling again, right now? Remember, the secret to happiness is to spend money on experiences, not things. Pack your bags and blow all your money on your next trip. You’ll be much happier.