In college, my bank account fluctuates between $10 and $0.23. There are times where I find myself wondering if I should stay home some weekends to avoid spending any money. Even if I don't head to the bars, there is a good chance that I will order food late at night because I won't want to make anything. Theres another $15 out the window. After my spring break adventure to Mexico, I am feeling a little bit more frugal than before. Also, as my senior year ended, I came to the realization that I am going to actually have things to pay for and more real life responsibilities than before (even though I still have two years of pharmacy school). So, the question arises, to spend money and go out or stay in?
I have always chosen to go out. See, as senior year ended and my friends parted different ways, I know that the going out has been worth it. The days where I worked all day and was thinking a night full of Netflix, but my friends pulled me out of bed anyway? Worth it. The moments I have had spending time with the people who mean the most to me has no monetary value. Things have changed now that I am out of school. Because I am stuck in this weird limbo where I have finished four years of college, but still have two years left, I feel like I should have a little bit more responsibility.
So at this point in time, I am attempting to save. I know, its terrible. I will spend most of my time next year bouncing back and forth between work and school work, like a normal adult? Who knows. There is a lot I want to do and I want to be successful. Unfortunately, money does play a role in well like everything, so I am doing what I can to make sure that I am not limited by money. That feeling is absolutely terrible, knowing that you're completely capable of doing something, but not having the means to do so. I had planned on enjoying my first four years at Butler and then using the next two years to make sure I was set up to do what I wanted with my life.
The hard thing is that you will always have a decision to make and the best advice I can give is that there are times to have fun and spend, but there also comes a time to save and get my life together. Here's to hoping that I make the right decisions as I work towards becoming an adult. But that it doesn't take away from my happiness, either.