We've finally heard Trumps big immigration speech, and to many people it certainly did not disappoint. When many people perceived Trump to be going soft on immigration he turned right around and said, "They're still gonna pay for the wall" in true Trump fashion, even despite him saying we did not discuss payment for the wall earlier that day in Mexico. Like many of the greatest moments in cinema history, this speech was made great because of improvisation. Upon landing in Arizona, Trump learned that President Nieto had tweeted saying that his country would not pay for the wall.
With this being an obvious violation of their deal to not talk about payment for the wall, Trump had to respond appropriately. Which in turn ended up being one of the best moments of his campaign.
This speech may in all honesty be what puts him in the white house. Even with the cooking of the poll numbers by Ipsos and Reuters to favor Clinton Trump has now pulled ahead of Clinton in the most current poll as of writing this on September 3. For those never Trumper's who have stumbled upon this article it may be time to accept God Emperor Trump as your next president. The wall is going to get built, and it will be in Mexico's best interest to help finance it.
You see, Trump has some interesting leverage in this situation. We have Mexico who are on the way to legalizing almost all drugs and we in the US who are still dragging our feet with this, mainly because its still profitable. Needless to say the Cartels want in on this restricted market, so they smuggle drugs and other contraband across the border where they have almost complete control over the narcotic market in America, since no one dares to step in and create competition.
This has lead to all kinds of problems for both Mexico and the US and as a result many people are trying to flee the Cartel violence and end up over here either legally or illegally. Now leftists and libertarians have been hammering us on this for years, end the drug war and you'll end almost all violent crime blah blah blah. But no president until now has had a direct incentive to do this. All Mexico has to do is build a wall to satisfy some narcissists desire to re-brand the US and they more or less can solve their Cartel problem if Trump is feeling nice.
There is one major flaw in his speech that I believe needs to be addressed, and that is the fact he left his policy open to amnesty. I hate to be that guy who ruins the celebration, but it needs to be pointed out that we were simultaneously told that illegal immigrants would only have one way to gain legal status, to return home and re-enter legally, and that after some number of years a conversation could be had about what to do with what remains.
He's left the door wide open for future amnesty which serves no positive purpose whatsoever. No one who wants amnesty is going to cast their vote for Trump so leaving this as an option is only a gift for his enemies. Already, as predictable as it is at this point, the media is running around calling him a racist and flip-flopper and all manner of other names. Absolutely nothing was gained.
I truly hope it goes without saying that this was one of the greatest immigration policy speeches I've ever heard. Trump didn't just give us the same old slogan, we finally got details and why this policy is necessary. US immigration policy has turned our country into the dumping ground for the worlds problems, and the few restrictions in place were hardly enforced. It's gotten to the point where i find myself and many other commentators asking why legal immigration still exists? Why should I spend five years trying to go through the system legally when I could spend 45 minutes at a tanning salon, buy a plane ticket to Germany and go live off the taxpayers dime no questions asked? This kind of nonsense is all too prevalent around the world and pretty soon the countries following it will not have a country anymore. I can't watch that happen.
I can only hope Trump wins and the rest of the world follows our lead, because this is ridiculous.