The other day, I was out to eat with my grandmother, I observed what I thought was a father blatantly verbally abusing his special needs daughter. It is morally unacceptable to verbally bully anybody, but to see a man verbally abusing his own daughter is beyond wrong!
He was even saying stuff to her like: “What the hell is wrong with you?” and “I hate you because you’re f****** special needs.” “You’re retarded” and “You’re stupid”. I have a special needs 6 year old cousin; I wouldn’t want someone talking to him like that. 'Special Needs' is only a title. At the end of the day, they are as much human as everyone else. There must be nothing but hate in their hearts for them to verbally abuse these innocent children. I hope the father is reading this and feels guilty for what he has done.
To reiterate what I stated earlier, making fun of somebody is morally unacceptable. It took a lot for me not to say something. All special needs people need a voice in the world. If there are any special needs people reading this, I want you to know, you are perfect, you are beautiful, you are human just like me. We are equal citizens. If you ever come across someone who is ignorant enough to make fun of you, just remember what I said, smile and keep walking.