Working at a pet store has taught me many valuable life lessons. Probably more than I've ever learned in any classroom, that's for sure. Some lessons were taught by my co-workers and managers while others have been taught by customers, good and bad, and the animals I'm lucky enough to work with every day. I've found that it really does take a special kind of strong to make it through some of the things we have to deal with in the pet retail industry.
It takes a special kind of strong to be able to stand up to a customer, especially as a girl when the customer is a man, and tell them what they're wanting to do isn't going to work well for them or the animal. You have to be okay with being told they know better than you or that they've "been doing this longer than you've been alive". You have to be strong enough to listen to their insults and complaints against you, because if you're not you'll never make it.
It takes a special kind of strong to watch too many customers come in with a new puppy just to want to feed it one of the lowest brands of dog food while they are dressed in name brand clothes and carrying a Michael Kors bag with their freshly manicured nails holding the newest iPhone to their ear. Every time I help a customer and listen to them complain and say "this dog eats better than me" it tears me up inside. Or the customers that care more than you'll know that lose the first dog that you fell in love with while working there. You stand there and discuss for a minute even though you know they're in a better place now but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
It takes a special kind of strong to do everything in your power to help the sick animal in question just to find out the next time you come in, on your day off through a text message, or later in your shift that the animal didn't make it. To jump through every last hoop and still this little being just won't make it. Your strength really comes into play when you hold that animal in your hands as it takes its last breath and as sad and upset that you are, in your heart you believe that the animal at least died knowing what it felt like to be loved.
It takes a special kind of strong to walk into the area with the animals that are up for adoption to cuddle with one of the cats while thinking how perfect he is just to look at his card and see that his family left him behind when they moved. How on Earth do you leave behind a pet that you made a part of your family the minute you decided to bring him into your home?
It takes a special kind of strong to deal with all of these things and more every day, week after week. You want to know why we continue to put ourselves through this? Because for every moment filled with sadness there are eight more happy ones. When you see a little boy's light up after he finally gets the hamster that he has been researching for weeks you're reminding just why you put yourself through it. All of the stress, drama, and craziness is well worth it when you help the family that has been waiting months to get their puppy and they pick out every single thing that will prepare them for success. You know that tomorrow could very well be one of those days that you leave crying but you come back anyway because you know very well that it could be the day that you make someone's day and help them create one of the sweetest memories of their life.