Let's take a step back and think, do we always know what to say and do we know how to say what we mean? Well, no, we don't and that's because we are just human beings and there is only so much we can do. In today's world, there is just so many things going on and you can't always say what you want out loud. Although that may be true, we still have a loop whole that allows us to get our frustrations out and that my friends is where writing comes in.
Yes, I understand teachers tell students how to write or what to write, but forget about academics, because unlike science and math, writing doesn't have a formula that we must stick to. When you write, you have the power to expand on a specific area of concern or just a general idea that comes to mind. The great thing about writing is that you can just let your ideas flow because at the end of the day you are the ultimate critic of your work. Most of the time writing allows us play around with our ideas and when we allow ourselves to do that, the end result of our work is correct.
Writing enables us to see our ideas come to life on paper and that can be done in different ways. Writing allows us to change or modify our ideas base on what we put down on paper. It's only then that we really can piece together a conclusion on what the small chunks of information that is locked within our brains Writing is just an extension of our thinking because it allows us to release all that excessive amount of ideas and information out of our heads and we can then create more room to learn new things. Now, we must understand that writing gives us power to get our ideas and feelings out in any form we want, but we have to be careful of who our audience is.
Writing gives us great power, and with great power comes great responsibility. If we are just writing for our eyes, there is no boundaries, but when we write for others we must take in account our word choice. After all, if you can't saw something, you can write it and allow it to take on its own qualities as your pencil or pen becomes an extension of your hand. Even though we have to be careful of what we say verbally and on paper, we can control the amount of people that receive our ideas. If you think about it, writing is just a quieter way of talking and less harmful. Unlike writing, when we say something bad it's hard for us to fix our statements. The beauty of writing is that you always can edit your over all message before allowing others to see it. Writing is a skill that allows us to say things without speaking. It is one of those things that some people take for granted, but it's a very powerful tool.