If you've ever talked with a Christian before and had trouble understanding what they were saying, it's probably because they were using Christianese. It is a dialect specific to Christians that contains words and phrases that may sound odd to others. To give you a head-start on your next conversation with a Christian, here are explanations for 15 common Christianese terms.
1. Camp High
Despite how this may sound, it has nothing to do with getting high at camp. It actually refers to a spiritual high felt by someone after returning from church camp.
2. Doing Life
This is just a Christian's way of saying 'hanging out' or 'spending time with.'
Example: "I love doing life with my best friends."
3. Fellowship
This refers to a gathering of believers that typically involves prayer, worship, and/or a sermon. Among Baptists, fellowship almost always includes food.
4. Hedge of Protection
This is something that is usually prayed over someone before they embark on a trip (personal or spiritual).
Example: "Lord, we pray for a hedge of protection over this team as they travel to Guatemala."
The protection part makes sense, but if you're wondering why 'hedge,' I don't know. Hedges aren't particularly known for their strength and power. Perhaps fortress would sound better.
5. Life Verse
This is a verse that someone picks out to represent their life and help guide them through it. Parents can choose a verse for their newborn baby, or believers can choose one for themselves later on.
6. Love On
If you've ever felt uncomfortable because someone offered to 'love on' you, I understand. It can sound off-putting, but the intentions behind it are pure. This just means that someone wants to encourage or console you.
7. Popcorn Prayer
This is when a group of people are praying in no particular order. When one person finishes, anyone is free to pray next. It is called popcorn prayer because the order of prayers can be as random and unpredictable as popping corn.
8. Prayer Closet
This one is literal. It is a closet or other small, quiet place where one can pray and study the Bible. Prayer Closets were popularized after the 2015 movie, War Room, which featured a woman's prayer closet and its effects on her relationship with God and others.
9. Prayer Walk
This is when Christians pray over something to bless it. They can pray over the pews in the church or the houses in their neighborhood. It is called a prayer walk since they actually walk along the thing they are praying over.
10. Proverbs 31 Woman
This is a big one, and unless you're familiar with the Biblical reference, it may not make sense. There is a lot of pressure on Christian women to emulate the woman described in the second half of chapter 31 of the Old Testament book of Proverbs. There is even a ministry called Proverbs 31 that offers Bible Studies, devotions, and more.
11. Quiet Time
You've probably heard your Christian friends talk about this, but weren't quite sure what they meant. Quiet time is time spent alone with God in a quiet place. It can consist of Bible reading, prayer, worship music, and more. The point of quiet time is to improve your personal relationship with God.
12. Seasons of Life
No, this doesn't mean winter, spring, summer, and fall. This refers to a time of change in a person's life. These seasons can be short or long, depending on the duration of the change or struggle the person is facing. Christians encourage each other by saying that what they're going through is "just a season of life," or by saying "there will be other seasons." It's synonymous with "going through a phase."
13. Sunday School Answer
You've probably heard of this before. It's even mentioned in a Kelly Clarkson song. A Sunday School Answer is a default answer someone gives when they can't think of anything else. In church context, the answer is usually right, but not complete. Common examples are God, Jesus, and the Bible.
14. Turtle Prayer
This is a phrase coined by me. It's when you tentatively look up during a prayer because you're not sure if it's over yet. It may be quiet, but you never heard someone say Amen, so you want to make sure before you lift your head up and open your eyes.
15. Unspoken Prayer Request
This is used when someone wants prayer for something, but they aren't willing to share any details about what it is. While it is understandable for people to want privacy, it can be difficult and awkward to pray for someone with an unspoken prayer request.
I hope this helps your future encounters with Christians make a little more sense. If you're interested in learning more Christianese, check out the video below.