In lieu of recent events, I will not say who I support. I will not say why I supported who and why I do not support the other. What I will do is respect the President of the United States. I will respect the figurehead that is the President because that is what a good citizen of this great country would do. I may not agree with all policies that may be enacted, I may strongly support a different way of handling certain social issues, but I WILL show my support for the United States of America by performing my duty as a citizen to respect my political figures as they have been elected to do their duty.
If said President were to enact a law I do not agree with, I will exercise my right to protest. I will exercise my right to free speech and most importantly I will NOT degrade the side that supports the law. The problem with our society is not the person who starts the fire it is the people who feed the fire. YOU have the right to not follow their lead. You have the right to speak and lead your own thoughts, so why degrade another's ideas instead of leading your own revolution.
I feel threatened. I do not feel threatened by the direct actions of said President, although I do know of people who are and I fully support them, but I feel threatened by the PEOPLE of this great country. I feel degraded as a supporter of free speech,protest, religion, and above all the basic right of sexual orientation and social justice of race and gender. I feel degraded because my opinion is well thought out and spoken and I get lumped in with a group of people who speak OUT and not UP.
At this time in our nation we need to learn the basic concept of kindness. Do not Speak Out against a political candidate whether they won or not. Speak Up against the policies and beliefs that you stand for. Speak Up for the people who do not have a voice. Speak Up for the injustices that are being allowed in our nation. Speak Up for YOU as a citizen do NOT Speak Out.