It's the first time you look at your Freshman schedule and you see that class.
"Oral Communication"
"Public Speaking"
You freak out. You want to scream. You start to wonder if you can wait till your junior or senior year to take the stupid class. Even though you're scared and not wanting to deal with the class right now: take it as early as you can.
The key to any speech class is your brain. It's OK to be scared and nervous, however, if you want to succeed, you have to tell yourself that you can do it.
When I signed up for my second semester classes, I asked my advisor when to take the required speech class, Oral Communication, and she told me to take it as soon as possible. I really wasn't happy with that but I figured I should get it out of the way.
Six months later, I realized that I actually enjoyed the whole class and it was one that would actually help me throughout my life.
My grade was based on nine different things:
-Three separate speeches
-One group assignment (along with a group paper)
-One communication blog
-Two exams
The attendance, blog, group assignment, and exams were the easiest grades, simply because I applied myself in order to try and get a good grade in the class. However, the hardest of the class, was the speeches. I personally hate talking in front of crowds (just like a lot of people) and every time I gave a speech in the class, I wouldn't remember anything I said. I blacked out the whole time and right as I was done, I would breathe a sigh of relief and go back to my seat and thank God that it was over.
Our first speech was supposed to be an introduction about ourselves. We had to think of a scenario where we had to leave our home and take three items with us. We had to explain why we chose the three items and how they were significant to us. That speech was my worst one, simply because I was terrified and I didn't know how to give a speech. Luckily I made it through the speech and I received a B on it.
Our second speech was an informative speech and since I have Type 1 Diabetes, I decided to inform my class on diabetes in general. That speech was a little better, because I felt comfortable and knowledgable about the subject. The grade that I got on that speech was a B+.
Our third and final speech was one that was supposed to be persuasive and since one of our assignments was to keep a communication blog for the duration of the class, I thought it would be easy enough to persuade people on why they should keep a blog. That speech was by far my most favorite because I felt so strong about the subject and I was really happy about how comfortable I was when giving the speech. Apparently, the third time was the charm because I got an A on that speech.
So after those three speeches, I realized that speaking in front of people was easier if you practiced. They key to all speaking classes is to practice, practice, practice.
The textbook that we were given for the class was full of tips and ideas for speeches. Our instructor for the class was extremely intelligent. And also google was a very helpful source.
So as you're preparing for college or you're deciding on classes, try to get your speech one out of the way. Learn to take on a challenge and conquer your fears. Who knows, maybe you'll end up enjoying the class.