I have been deeply saddened recently by the loss of two amazing individuals. Within a few days, both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain committed suicide. Their deaths have shocked a lot of people. I've seen so many posts of social media about how people never knew these individuals were suffering so much. Unfortunately, a lot of the time mental illness can be a silent and invisible battle.
I think one of the most important things we can do is talk and to talk positively. Talk to everybody, even a stranger. Say hi. Don't forget to tell the lady at Dunkin' Donuts to have a nice day when she hands you your coffee, even if you're running late. Tell someone you like their shoes. Call your mom. Call your best friends. Tell someone you haven't talked to in a while that you hope they are doing well.
It seems dumb and like it doesn't matter, but it really could make someone's day.
But more importantly, it could help someone who is really struggling. The key here is to talk more and talk kinder. In a world where most of our conversations are digital, we have become less concerned with how hurtful our words might be.
When more positive lines of communication are opened we are giving those who need it the most a chance to open up.
It's also important to remember that while we should be working on talking more to each other and talking more positively we should also return that kindness to ourselves. Don't forget to speak about yourself in a positive way. It's not always easy. More often than not, we are our biggest critics. But don't forget to give yourself some words of encouragement as well.
Our lives get so busy and so hectic that the next thing you know it's been two weeks since you've called your grandparents last and the only time you communicated with your best friend yesterday was with a snap to keep your Snapchat streak alive and well. This is the reality that is far too familiar for most of us.
In light of what's happened recently, I hope we all take some time to think about the voice we want to put out into the world. And to think about everyone we impact. And to make sure you're having genuine conversations with people who are important to you.
Being more positive, talking more, and speaking kinder won't save everyone, but it sure is worth a shot.
And please always remember that it really does get better.
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255