There are nights you stay up running scenarios through your mind. What if I had said this, or what if I had said that? Second guessing ourselves as if its second nature. You cannot spend your life wondering what would happen if you had said something or been honest with someone. It is important to remember what our mothers taught us, "to think before you speak;" words said in anger can cause unnecessary hurt and problems. Yet, in the same light, we need to be honest with one another.
While being honest is not always the easiest thing to do, in the long run, it is what is best. You will never know for certain if people care for you in the same way you care for them unless you ask. It may cause hurt, but you will know the truth. It saves people a lot of time to be upfront from the beginning rather than beat around the bush. There have been more times than I can count where someone has been vague and put off a direct answer for fear of hurting my feelings. In the end, however, the truth does come out, and the hurt is far greater when you are left wondering and hopeful that things will go your way.
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Not wanting to hurt someone's feelings is commendable, but in the long run you will only hurt them more. And if we are all being honest with ourselves, we tell these white lies and beat around the bush for the sake of our own comfort rather than to spare the feelings of those around us. Confrontation can be hard. It can be easier to avoid a situation rather than face it up front. It can be easier to ignore when someone says something that hurts you, rather than talk it out and be upfront about your feelings.
Feelings are confusing; at times, they are irrational and annoying. Nothing will be solved by burying your feelings and emotions, but rather, more problems will likely arise from it. This is why it is important to think things through, but to not be afraid to speak our minds calmly and collectedly, to be honest with ourselves and others.
Telling others how you truly feel and opening yourself up that way can make you vulnerable but not weak. True honesty is power and is better for all involved. There may be more temporary hurt involved, but it will save some true heartache in the end. Never speak words out of pure anger, but also never be afraid to tell someone how you feel. It could save us all a lot of time and energy if people were upfront with one another with their desires, dreams, wishes and expectations. Rather than guessing at and trying to read one another, we could all be upfront and honest to save time and energy from having to guess.
So be bold, be honest and tell someone how you feel today.