Having a wicked tongue can seriously kill you. Not in the way of losing your life in a literal sense, but killing yourself esteem and your personality. We all have an issue or an uncontrollable situation that puts us in a type of mood that we just can't seem to be happy and content. It can be a situation where someone is picking on you or even something small where things aren't going your way. It's easily to get in a mood that makes you say any and everything negative. It's honestly so addicting to say something we don't like rather than something good.
From a personal stand point, I am guilty of speaking death over myself. I have not been content in my life and can't figure out just how to live a more positive lifestyle. My mom would say that the things being said aloud can spread like wild fire and she is so right. In our society, the constant strive to be perfect in all aspects get so out of hand that we lose ourselves and self worth. There is an imaginary figure being painted that we live for and it's seemingly not achievable. For those who can get up there with a certified check mark on their social platform, well they can be under the "exception of the rule," but for those who try are literally playing a game of Russian Roulette. Of course the game is stupid, but we all play anyway.
Once we try build our self worth, the things we say to ourselves or one another like, "I'm fat and ugly," or "I'll never get that girl or guy," are straight painful. Over time, we start to notice a difference in our behavior and mood and end up feeling lifeless. Have you ever felt so low that you just look and feel like crap and start not giving a crap about anything? It seriously sucks because its hard to bring yourself back to life.
I've always heard the saying, "fake it until you make it," and it's one of the hardest things to try and do. When you've constantly torn yourself down for so long, even hiding hurts. The only logical thing that I can say that has helped is to try and see the positive and aren't bothered with the image to be perfect and who are completely full of life. Trust me, things won't be easy, because nothing comes as sweet as sweet potato pie.
One thing I know for sure is, there will be a day where you'll feel better than you did the day before, you just have to look and speak your goals, dreams, and even your wants into existence for your life. Easier said than done, but it works. Just think, if you could start speaking life over yourself, nothing in this world could break you. Be you, and always remember that there is only one you in this world and you are just enough for your own life . Be the best you and live your life to the fullest. No one wants to be dead inside and seeing people full of joy and happiness. You can dictate whether or not you want to be a walking mummy. It doesn't matter how late or how early you want to change your wicked tongue, just speak it and your life will be lived to your fullest potential.