Being from the South is not just a matter of geography. Being a Southerner is as important to a lot of people as being an American, but every once in a while, a brave soul (read me) will leave the comforts of the South for a school/life up North. Now, when I moved to Philly from Nashville I was expecting a fabulous lifestyle. I mean I had watched Gossip Girl, so I knew what those Northerners were about. And most of the time, I love it here. Living in the North has really taken me out of my comfort zone and exposed me to a lot of new things. However, life was really different than it was in the South; so to those thinking about abandoning the good ole South for some time spent above the Mason-Dixon line, here are some things you can expect as a Southern girl/guy in a Northern world.
1. Everyone is not automatically a Republican.
2. Because of this people, will not high five you when you wear your "Raised Right" and "What Would GW do" tank tops.
Actually, they usually give you the stink eye.
3. People don't serve sweet tea.
They don't get. Even when they try, they fail at. Just don't order it.
4. Not everyone goes to Church/is a Christian.
5. Wearing a men's XL shirt with Norts, tall white socks and Nikes is not "cool".
People actually dress up for class (but tbh, I still wear this outfit all the time because IDGAF).
6. Not everyone responds to adults with "yes ma'm/sir, no ma'm/sir".
Sometimes people get annoyed when you call them m'am. Who knew?
7. An MRS degree and marrying right after college is not a thing.
You know that candlelight ceremony you dreamed of having at your sorority house, where you announced that you and your BF had finally gotten engaged? Let that dream die.
8. Being socially Conservative is equivalent to being a horrible person.
Have fun explaining why you are socially Conservative, and then watch as people call you a hateful and backwards person.
9. You will meet people with a more international background.
The North was much more of the "melting pot" that I was taught America was in Elementary school than my Southern hometown, and it's awesome.
10. Blondes stick out like sore thumbs.
It's a sea of Dark haired folks up here.
Even though I miss my Southern comfort zone often, going to school in the North has exposed me to a lot things I never would have experienced in the South, and that's pretty cool. So, if you can live with the above, then take a trip up North and see how the other half of America lives.