Living in Southern California, we typically only experience two seasons: hot and mildly cold. But since we're so acclimated to our perfect 75-degree temperature, the winter months which are only mildly cold can make it seem like the end of the world.
Here are some of the worst things about the California winter.
1. It can be freezing in the morning, but once the sun comes out it's kind of hot.
You leave your house bundled up for the brisk 60-degree morning, but by 12 p.m. the sun comes out and you're sweating.
2. Having to drive when it rains.
So it's raining, but that means people forget to drive, right?
3. Everyone from anywhere besides California telling you "You don't know what cold is!"
We get it! It's not as bad here as it is where you live, but if we can't complain about it being too hot, we have to complain about it being too cold.
5. Can't wear Rainbow flip flops every day.
My Rainbow sandals are my best friends, and once it gets cold I have to wear close-toed shoes *cries*.
6. Having to break out the "winter clothes".
Most of our wardrobes consist of beach-friendly heat-wave friendly attire, so having to wear winter clothes is kind of a big deal to us.
7. Getting used to wearing winter clothes, then complaining when it starts to heat up again because damnit, we just got used to this!
8. In the end though, you love living in California, and probably wouldn't be able to handle the winter anywhere else so you'll just stay here.