Viewers of South Park will remember that in the lead-up to the 2004 presidential election Trey Park and Matt Stone issued their statement that elections are "always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich." Some Americans probably agree with them, but most people usually are satisfied with at least one of their choices.
This election, on the contrary, may be the ultimate embodiment of a contest between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Americans can't seem to even stomach either of their presidential choices, either. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both face historical unfavorable ratings. Traditionally, presidential candidates have been viewed in a strongly negative light by around twenty percent of the population. This year, however, Clinton and Trump face strong disapproval ratings of fifty and forty percent, respectively.
More Americans like Hillary Clinton than they do Donald Trump, but that isn't saying much. As seen above, since Americans were first polled on their favorable or unfavorable views of presidential candidates since the Reagan-Carter election in 1980, Hillary Clinton is the second most strongly disliked candidate ever. Even more saddening is the fact that she would be the record holder of most strongly disliked candidate if Donald Trump were not running.
Indeed, there is good reason to dislike the two candidates:
Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi. Donald Trump lied about a whole lot more.
Hillary Clinton admires former KKK members. Donald Trump admires tyrants.
Hillary Clinton covered up her husband's indiscretions, harming women everywhere. Donald Trump is no better, objectifying women and attacking them for their physical appearance.
Hillary Clinton blatantly panders to Hispanics for their vote. Donald Trump does the same thing, albeit in a far more racist fashion.
Hillary Clinton claims to be "just like you," and that's justifiably false. Donald Trump tries to identify with the common man by discussing the "small loan of a million dollars" he received from his father.
No candidate is ever perfect. It is rare, if not nonexistent, to find a candidate with which we as Americans can agree with 100%. Usually, however, we are able to find values, policies and ideals in one of the candidates that we can see as reasonable or noble. But it seems that in this election, the only reason to vote for one candidate is to keep the other out of office.
In the South Park episode, Randy Marsh cried out in support of his candidate: "A douche is at least clean!" The question, then, is this: Who is the douche, and who is the turd sandwich?