Since its premier in 1997, Comedy Central's South Park has been a television series that has left many talking while garnering headlines of both praise and controversy from American audiences everywhere. This show, created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, has earned more than a fair share of acclaim for critics and fans alike. It has also been a target for controversy for pushing the envelope with its humor, often tackling taboo subject matter and having no restrain on political incorrectness. Many episodes come to mind when thinking about how many times this show has caused a stir with various groups around the globe. But that is part of what makes this show super subversive.
What makes this show a hit is how to generates laughs through satirizing many landmark topics through absurd and often vulgar humor that nonetheless manages to be funny, even when it slips into the tendency of aiming at the lowest common denominator. To no surprise, the humor has often been deemed offensive and tasteless by many groups on both sides of the political spectrum. The most interesting part, no political party, religion, race, gender, and any social group is safe from being the butt of a joke, so it is understandable that this show is not for everybody. For me, this show has been one of the most entertaining TV shows, and here are 15 episodes that best demonstrate it.