17 Things All South Floridians Know To Be True | The Odyssey Online
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17 Things All South Floridians Know To Be True

For when you need your fix of sand and sunshine!

17 Things All South Floridians Know To Be True
Helen Horton

Regardless if you're from Palm Beach, Boca, Miami, or Ft. Lauderdale (like me!), you call South Florida home. There's no place else like it anywhere in the world. Like any other region, there are certain nuances you understand if you're a local. We SoFlo locals know what makes us, us!

1. The beach is never more than 10 minutes away.

Time to soak up the sun with my toes in the sand!

2. Winter doesn't exist.

Below 70 degrees is considered freezing, so go ahead and dust off your parkas

3. The off-season is everything.

Being in-season is eye-roll inducing, especially because food and gas prices skyrocket to exorbitant prices. You can spot tourists and snowbirds from a mile away, too.

4. The weather never stays the same for long

Don't like the weather? Stick around, it'll change.

5. Good drivers? What are those?

I-95 is the bane of your existence.

6. Christmas in the sand.

Sandmen and palm trees decked out in Christmas lights? Iconic.

7. Golf courses surround every little suburb.

*Casually drives by three in the span of ten minutes*

8. Alligators don't phase you.

Regardless if they're in someone's pool or deep-fried with a side of ranch, they're just a part of life.

9. Publix makes life worth living.

Everyone know's Publix is the best store and they have the best chicken is irresistible. End of story.

10. Family portraits and senior pictures are taken at the beach.

Why not use what's in our backyard to our advantage?

11. Waterways take priority over roadways.

Is the drawbridge up again? Oh HELL no...

12. When friends or family come to visit, they never understand that the sun is more powerful because you're closer to the equator.

Sun-poisoning party!

13. Old people run the neighborhood.

Perks: You get to smell amazing cooking when you live next to an Italian grandma

Cons: You see old-man thongs every time you go to the beach

14. LaSpada's Hoagies

Need I say more?

15.Humidity is your sworn enemy.

If you have curly or even relatively wavy hair, I'm sorry for the struggle you go through on a daily basis.

16. Lilly is Life!

We've got bragging rights to true prep iconography!

17. We're so grateful to call SoFlo home.

Being a local means everything, especially when you have an amazing place as your stomping grounds.

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