Every place you go that sells sports apparel or sporting goods, you can always find some sort of item resembling a sports team of professional, international, or college athletic teams. However, I've taken into account the lack of items relating to FSU. Also, when FSU items are present in stores, they are beyond hideous-looking and as a result, people like me aren't going to purchase those items. I understand I currently live in whats considered Canes territory, but I see plenty of other schools such as UF, USF, Duke, Michigan, and Texas A&M on apparel and gear inside of the stores. Because of the lack of apparel available it results in students being deterred away from FSU as South Floridian.
I think it was definitely one of the reasons I personally never thought about applying to FSU at first. Although you would think it's just another Florida school, it's portrayed as this very far away place that us South Floridans shouldn't bare to enter or discover. It's like a hidden away location that the others just don't want you to find out about, probably because of the results of the lack of practicality between Tallahassee and South Florida. It's very silly but sometimes because of the lack of FSU materials made available, I feel like some individuals will not even consider the school and their abundance of programs and resources available to their students. Which offers the institution an unfair advantage compared to other school's which have more elaborate and vibrant apparel accessible to be purchases by the consumers.
There's just something about unappealing material goods that can alter anyone's opinion on a place or university. However, even though it's a very difficult place to travel to and from and the rivalry between FSU and various other teams, there's no reason their goods and apparel should be slacking. Colors as bold as garrent and gold should hang high all over the country but especially in the school's home state spite the distances in-between South Florida and Tallahassee. The institution itself, multiple sports teams, and plenty other things and programs pertaining to the school are nationally ranked and recognized by many different establishments. Our school is amazing and it's items should resemble that.