9. A song that reminds you of your family. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Tunes You Need To Create The Soundtrack To Your Life

Girl, put your records on.

10 Tunes You Need To Create The Soundtrack To Your Life

If you're as nostalgic as I am, you know that a song can bring back vivid, if not visceral, memories. With the push of a button, every fiber of your psyche can return to a particular moment or extended period of time in your life. The beauty of it is that, for every song you love, there is likely a story or a range of stories connected. With that said, here is a comprehensive, introductory template of what songs to include in your life soundtrack that you can start creating now.

1. The earliest song you can remember liking.. and still like.

Personally, I've loved "Don't Know Why" by Norah Jones since age three.

2. Your favorite Disney or childhood media song.


Mine is "A Whole New World" from the original Aladdin soundtrack.

3. The song you can’t help but move to.

When I was little, my mom owned a vintage store in east Atlanta called The Dressing Room. Anytime "Hey Ya" by Outkast came on the radio at the store, I had to dance around. Needless to say, it's one of my all-time favorites.

4. Your favorite song to jam to with childhood friends.


At every childhood sleepover or birthday party, we either watched Hannah Montana or High School Musical (or both). For me, this song is a massive tie between "We've Got the Party With Us" and "Breaking Free."

5. The song that got you through your awkward years.

My pick is definitely "Yellow" by Coldplay. Anytime I got the unreciprocated crush blues or generally felt uncomfortable in my own skin, this made me feel hopeful.

6. The finale of your favorite concert.


In ninth grade, I went to an incredible Vampire Weekend concert with my dad, and it ended with an infectious rendition of "Walcott".

7. A song that reminds you of falling in love.

For me, it's "No One Else" from Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812.

8. A song that reminds you of your first major move or lifestyle change


Mine is "Another Day of Sun" from La La Land - since I moved 2,000 miles to Los Angeles (La La Land) for college.

9. A song that reminds you of your family.

At age ten, I sang "Fly Me to the Moon" at my Papa's 60th birthday party. Now, that song always brings me back to good times with extended family.

10. A song that got you through an especially challenging time.


"Juice" by Lizzo has pushed me through some recent personal challenges because it motivates me to think more positively and stop catastrophizing negative situations. In other words, it's a reminder to have fun!

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