You are some friends are at a party and you realize that an hour in one of your friends has drank too much. He or she is tripping over themselves and cannot stand up straight. Moments later they become barely to no longer conscious and you have the choice to call for help. You think to yourself: “The party just started” “I’m sure he/she needs to sleep it off” “People will never talk to me again if I call for help”. The real question is, what is worth more and better yet…what is right?
If something is wrong with a friend, call 911 or the emergency number required for your school. For example, the University of Rhode Island’s being 4-2121. The best part about calling the police at URI is their policy to not penalize those who call in for help, even if they have been drinking illegally as well. This rule could not be any more perfect for situations such as this due to the fact that many college students who are under aged do drink. If this was the way at every campus and everywhere else, no lives would be risked for the fear of getting in trouble.
Another reason why teens won’t call in is if they are at a party. When you are at a party, the worst thing you can be is a “buzz killer” (this time in the literal sense), but this type of killing is what could save a life. Do not listen to others if they give you a hard time for calling in for some help. It is the right thing to do and it’s a mature way to handle a dangerous situation. In addition to this, always make sure to stick together with friends or the people you came with when you are at the party. Especially, if you notice a friend you came with is started to become overly intoxicated. If you know they are not okay, don’t leave them for the party.
Do not leave them alone in a public place or around people they or YOU don’t even know. Try the best you can to sober them up, grab water, bread, saltines, or anything you can to sober them up enough to walk. Even if you are having fun at a party with your friends, ALWAYS GRAB ANOTHER DRINK. Do not take one that someone is handing to you or one that you didn’t have your eye on. It is just as easy to put something in it as it is for you to drink it. Take what I’m saying to you with a whole heart because this is not some corny “be careful” video that was shown in high school. It does happen and it can happen to you.
Overall, a life is worth more than a good time at a party and in the end there is more to gain than to lose. They will trust you, thank you, feel safe with you, and respect you even more for the fact that you chose them over a party. As Tracey Kidder once said: “You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad. The purpose of life is not to be happy but to be worthy of happiness.” People are going to judge you whether the decisions you make are wrong or right, so you might as well make the right one and say eff it to those who glare.