Growing up, you can see romance embedded in society. Even in Disney movies, the princess finds her perfect prince charming and they live happily ever after. There is an idea that finding your "one true soulmate" is equivalent to happiness. Do each of us only have one soulmate? What happens if you never meet them? Or you meet them at the wrong time and things don't work out the way you wanted them to?
Now, the word soulmate is a very broad and subjective term. I feel like its so difficult to define a term that is based on a feeling. I mean, just defining "love" is hard enough, I would say. When you look for a definition of soulmate, there's going to be different results based on who you're asking. The dictionary states it as "a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner." That's pretty good, but I feel like it doesn't dive deep enough into the connection you're supposed to have with a soulmate. That definition relates to how I view almost any of my friends, does that mean they are all my soulmates?
Personally, I do believe in soulmates, but maybe not the same way I was taught through fairytales growing up. And I do believe that I have met some of my soulmates, but not all of them. I believe that you can have friends that are your soulmates definitely. It isn't just one person that you might or might not meet. However, I do think they are rare, and when you find someone who matches the definition that I have, you definitely don't want to let them go.
How do I define a soulmate?
To me, it aligns closely with love, and not just romantic, but friendly love too. I would define it as a person who complements you in the way you need, brings out the best in you, knows your soul and knows how to fulfill it.
I think the fulfillment is a huge part of what separates a friend from a soulmate. There are people in my life who I literally cannot imagine my life without them. It feels like my heart would break if I had to let them go, because they have made me feel so whole. The beauty of a soulmate is their lasting impression on you, even if you cannot always be with them. There's a lifelong connection that has been made: a type of love that you will never forget, no matter how many more people you meet.
So yes, soulmates are definitely real. That is one of the things in life that I am sure of. When you know you have your soulmate it feels like this person was made for you. Of course, I wish I could be with mine always. Soulmates are not something to be taken lightly, these people are meant to have met you, there are meant to have been such a big part of your life. Having people that provide so much for my spirit around all the time seems like a fairytale to me, like my own happily ever after.